Saturday, 20 October 2012



 Nigerians problem has risen to a stage that if not by Gods intervention, our great country Nigeria will be in a big mess. 

The heart of God to be possess by at list 65 to 70% of Nigerians is the only cure to all the problems we are facing in this nation of ours called Nigeria.
God is love and God loves Nigeria and the people.

I was praying for Nigeria and our leaders at about 3:00am and God told me that the solution for Nigerians and Nigeria is for the people to possess the heart of God.
God said the Boko Haram and their sponsors are created by Him to serve God here on earth.
God said if only we will begin to pray for His heart for every Nigerians, if only we can use our fire coated tongues to pray for the heart of God to consume the people of this country, if only we can pray for God’s heart to cover Nigeria as the water covers the sea, our problems would have been a solved one.

Nigeria would have been a wonderful and great nation God had destined her to be.
But instead of praying for our country and our leaders as the word of God had commanded us to do, we go ahead to condemn and Curse instead of us (Christians) using our fire coated tongues to pray for our dear country Nigeria, pray for the kingdom of God to be establish in this nation of ours, we go about cursing and condemning.

The more we place courses and condemnations the more our leaders and the so called Boko-Haram grow worst, because the Lord God our God said in Number 14:28, “say unto them (Christians of Nigeria) as truly as I lives saith the Lord of Host, as you have spoken into my ears, so will I do unto you” Read 29-30 when you get your Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your understanding to be enlighten you to understand what God is saying there.

God had given us power to do all things, in the beginning of creation, after God created man like Himself, God gave man all powers to be in-charge and take control of the earth. The man I’m referring to in this context is the born-again children of God. Instead of us the Christians to use this authority God had given us to rebuild our country and keep it the way we want, we all prefer placing curses upon the spirit or Angels we voted or appointed to be our leaders.

God commanded in this word that we (children of God) should pray for our country and our leaders not to place curses.
Our God also knows why He asked us not to Judge any one. God had given us (Born-again Christians) a tongue and a wisdom that the enemy (Satan) cannot gain-say nor resist, instead of us to use it in favour of our great country Nigeria, we prefer using it to curse and condemn our leaders.

Those men and women we call our leaders and place curses upon them every day and night are our fellow humans, they are not spirits and Angels, we owned them duty to pray for them.
God said in His word that “The heart of the king is in His hand. He God turns it the way it should go. So if we pray God to give them (our leaders) His heart, God will turn their heart to favour the country and the people.

Instead of using our tongues positively for our country, you will hear people say things like “This country no go better again, make God punish our leaders and their children.

The Angels of God who are ministering spirits only do or carryout the orders given to them by us.
 As saints and children of the most high God, the Angels will do always whatever we’ve authorize them to do by speaking good or evil.

Let us ask ourselves one humble question, are we perfect being another question, do we really pray for our leaders and our beloved country Nigeria or we only condemn and place curses?

Look at this, we believers who place curses upon our leaders will look for a job, after been employed by God almighty who owns all things and employs all; the next thing you hear from that believer who just got employment by our father (God) are things like these:- this salary too small, I no dey look for work, na money I dey look for. He or she will say again, I no come here to follow people for back” it means the brother or sister have seen one unbeliever conniving with one expatriates to undo that God’s owned company or one Politian conniving with a civil servant to steal the county’s funds. The main objective of God to employ that brother or sister is to go there and sanitise the company or ministry for Him (God) like Joseph did in the house of His master Portipha; they will prefer the way of the world and join to cripple that company or agency God placed in their hands to build. If at that point you caution them, they will tell you, it is God’s blessing or open doors.

Most people that works with me in the little job I do can bear me witness how I use to caution them when they do things that does not glorify God; many can bear me (Benson Alfred) witness how I opposes any person I know that abuses our leaders or places curses upon them. I’m not a perfect being but trying and praying God to use me as an instrument or agent in God’s hand to bring that change and transformation we desired, to bring Nigeria to that place she belongs in the committee of Nations. I believe in Nigeria, I believe in our country. The time for Nigeria to be redeemed by God has come, now is the set time and no devil can stop it Isaiah 60:1-22. No weapon or force can ever divide this great country of ours, we will together complimenting each other with the treasures of darkness and hidden riches God has blessed us (Nigerians) with.
If only we can use the power of the tongue which has death and life in it positively to rebuild our dear country Nigeria  1st Peter 3:10-13, Psalm 34:12 -16, proverbs 18:21, Proverbs 15:10-13, Psalm 15:3-4.
Let us stop condemning, let us start rebuilding our dear country Nigeria with our fire coated tongues.

Let us stop placing curses upon our leaders rather start to use the power on our tongues to restructure them for good.
Why don’t we seat and think for once, even when a credible, well known person of integrity who has good heart for the masses is given opportunity to ascend the leadership throne in any capacity in this country of ours, in the next six to twelve months, he changes; He joins the criminals to steal and accumulates for his generations unborn.
Let us also stop to think why will somebody like chief.OBJ who has led Nigeria as a military officer who helped to bring Nigeria to where she is today had another opportunity to rebuild that nation he helped to cripple could not do any tangible thing for another eight years and was looking for another four years extra, do you think chief OBJ had bad intensions for the people of this nation or the nation itself? No but the evil forces backed by our negative tongues is destroying the country gradually. Another example: we should seat and think why IBB who has opportunity to lead this great nation of ours did all kinds of evil, he even did the worst if compared to OBJ but still wants to come back to lead that same country he help in messing up, what is IBB looking for? He has everything, his seventh generation cannot be poor no matter how they useless money but he still wants to lead us at his old age. Let me tell all Nigerians whether you agree or not, IBB’s contentions of coming as a civilian president is good and pure for the nation but if opportunity is given to him, he (IBB) will mess-up big time because our tongues had destroyed this nation in the spirit realm. Another e.g. is why a foreigner who does well in his country, he has a track record of honesty and integrity in his country and other countries, having good intensions for our great country Nigeria and comes to help develop our country by coming to do business here, immediately he gets into the country Nigeria, the atmosphere transforms him for evil, cheating bribing and corruption.

When he goes back to his country, he becomes good and perfect person again. When such people go back home, they starts to imagine what happened to them but cannot comprehend. Mr. Foreigner, it is not your fault, the tongues of Nigerians had sentenced Nigeria into the prison of Satan and his agents and until Nigerians start to consciously free our dear country from that prison we have sentenced her in to with our fire coated tongues, this is how things will grow from worst to worst, God forbid the worst is the suffering musses, the poor and the down trodden, the little children, the orphans, the widows and widowers Boko Haram had kept where they are, they are one of the problems Nigeria is facing today because God hear their cry faster than the prayer of any prophet or pastors, God’s compassion never fails at His sight on them.

My brothers and sisters that are victims of one hand made disasters or the other, disasters like bringing of out-use airplane for mass destruction and killing of innocent children, Boko Haram, religious crisis etc please for the sake of God and our dear Nigeria, forgive and lets go ahead because no one ever forgets any situation that happened to them. One day, you will use it in teaching or tell it as history. Isaiah 43:18-19. Forgetting in this verse of Bible connotes not taking vengeance that is what God is saying.
If you the victims of the handmade disasters can forgive and pray for the freedom of our great country Nigeria, God will hear from heaven and heal Nigeria immediately because He always listens to your prayers and waiting to see who comes to hurt you the second time.
God said affliction shall not rise the second time, so He is always watching over you for protection from any affliction.
Our God is just and faithful, He is always waiting to hear the word “mercy” and He immediately forgives. Remember when Job prayed for God to forgive his friends that were mocking at him (Job), I personally believe that it was those same friends of Job that Satan used in causing all the disasters in Job’s life, because Satan does not operate in vacuum neither do God operate in vacuum. God as a good and perfect God uses human agents as vessels so also Satan cannot operate his three fold ministries of destruction, killing and stealing without human agents, so I believe Satan used Job’s friends to commit his evil acts upon Job but Job forgave them.
Immediately God Almighty also forgave them because He God had no choice, the person suffering has forgiven them and has asked for God to forgive his friends. Numbers 14:28 and Jesus never wish anyone to go into internal condemnation (hell). So don’t allow your unforgiveness to take any one to hell because when you get to heaven, God will ask you why and it is even impossible for any unforgiving Christian to make heaven.
But the sweetest side of Job’s story is that immediately he (Job displayed the heart of God in him, God restored all Job had lost and he was restored twice he lost, both children and possessions. Job 42:10-17, Isaiah 60:17-22.

Let us (saints) of God forget whatever has befell us (Nigerians) as a people and Nigeria as a Nation and pray for our leaders always. Let us call her good names at midnight and always “Job 38:12-13, Job 22:29, Isaiah 43:18-28, Isaiah 44:1-28 2nd chronicles 7:14-16. If only we can do these as saints of God for the next six months and stop negative words against our country and our leaders, we (Nigerians) will see what God is going to do for us.
I tell you the truth, our Lord Jesus Christ is the best thing that can happen to any man. Try Him and see power that will be available for you to do exploits. Psalm 34:8, Daniels 11:32b.
Jesus loves us so much that is the reason he died for us even when we are yet sinners. Praise God, Romans 8:31-39.

Because I always pray for my country and my leaders, to be better leaders, greater leaders and wisest leaders in the world. God called me on the 19th of August 2012 at about 3am and gave me a mantle to be one of the people He (God) will use in delivering and restoring Nigeria in no distance time. Join me brethren, God is looking for saints He can trust to rebuild Nigeria.
When the Holy Ghost woke me up that midnight, my prayer points became different.
I always pray to rely up on the Holy Spirit of God for everything I’m doing not minding how insignificant that thing might be.
My relying upon the Holy Spirit started when I came in contact with Him. My father in the Lord who also is my pastor use to say “when you come in contact with the Holy Spirit, you will know, truly I knew when I came in contact with the sweet spirit of the most High God; the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and the God of Jacob our covenant fathers, He is the God of my great-grand-father, I call him Baba (E.A. Adeboye), the God of my grandfather, I call him Bishop (Bishop Dr. David Oyedepo) and the God of my father, I call him papa (David Ibiyeomie). These three are my patriarchs of the New Testament.
God bless the day they were born and any one born on the day they were born is blessed.

Recently I read a book written by my papa (David Ibiyeomie). After reading these books and some other books from proven authors all over the world, I began to hear from God clearly. These are books:- (1) How to hear from God by David Ibiyeomie (2) Recovering your inheritance by David Ibiyeomie (3) How to pray effectively by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and (4) God’s will is prosperity by Gloria Copeland. My life never remains the same in the Lord and every area of my life.

The mandate God gave me is from His word. Matthew 6:33, Isaiah 45:1-11, 1 Samuel 2:8, 1st Corinthians 1:24-29 and proverbs 7:1-4.

God told me that “if only I will seek His Kingdom and righteousness first in all I’m doing, He (God) will make me one of the leaders and deliverers He will use and deliver this Nation called Nigeria. I am an S.SC.E holder and not a degree holder. I don’t have a house or car of my own now.

I’m lovely married with three wonderful children, a girl and two boys and expecting a wonderful girl to come by the special grace of God.
By the special grace of God, I stopped stealing from the company that puts food on my family table when I came in contact with Psalm 112:1 to end. By the help of the Holy Spirit, I stopped all unrighteousness though I’m not a perfect being; God is the only perfect being. Proverbs 1:7-15. “Like Esther, shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego and Daniel will say “if I perish I perish and none of these great person perished but were exalted by God after their faith and patience were put into test. “Daniel 11:32B, Psalm 91:14-15, Psalm 45:7, Psalm 112:1-7, Psalm 37:25, 34 and 37.
My fellow Nigerians, please come let us together with the fear and love of God and our dear county work hard and build Nigeria to where she belong in the committee of Nations.
Time has come; God had heard the sufferings and groaning of His children. God is looking for who He can trust and put the mantle in his or her hand as God did with Moses when He uses the hand of Moses and delivered Israel out of Egypt. If Moses should have accepted the offer of being the next king of Egypt, I’m sure by now the name of Moses wouldn’t have been in the Holy Book (Bible).

If Joseph fell for Potiphar’s wife when she was trying to take him to bed, I’m sure by now the name of Joseph in the Holy Book (Bible) would have been silent.
Joseph wouldn’t have been the role model he is to the church today. Joseph told Potiphar’s wife, “Genesis 39:6-23. “Behold my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand.
There is none greater in this house than I neither hath he kept back any thing from me but you, because thou art his wife; “how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God”
Many of us (children of God) would have jumped into that offer for physical satisfaction and forget our God.

If Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego Esther etc decides to compromised, would we have heard their names to learn from their good character, or might be we will learn about the evil they committed and not the good they displayed.

And the Bible told us “Daniel purposeth in his heart not to defile himself with the king’s meat or drink”.
Some of us (Christians) today will accept offers from the devil himself in form of one politician or the other, those they call godfathers and forsake our Almighty father, the maker of heavens and the earth, He who owns all things, who is able to give to His children whatever that is good. “Psalm 34:10, Psalm 75:6-7 Psalm 62:10-11”.
Some Christians spirit filled, born-again will drop their faith and accept appointments from politicians. My brothers and sisters in the Lord, wait for our God patiently, He never fails, He never travels, He never sleeps nor slumbers. God is always faithful, if only we can wait on Him, at His own time not our own time, we will be lifted.
God said “I’m not a man that I should lie nor the son of man that I should repent” God said “the words that has gone out of His mouth will not return to Him void but will accomplish it purpose, where it is sent to and what pleases Him (God)”.
He knowth the end from the beginning, He knows the best for you, He is your creator, He knows why He (God) created you.
My brothers and sisters in the Lord, let us wait patiently for our creator, we will not see shame but see God’s glory at the end. Sarah, Hannah, Joseph never saw shame but ends up with God’s Glory. Psalm 37:25 & 34, Psalm 34:10.

Finally for now, when the Holy Spirit woke me up at 3am, a prayer point was given to me by the Holy Spirit.
I have never prayed that prayer point before now. The prayer is “God, I need your Heart for myself, my family and love ones because the Heart of God is love, mercy, kindness, full of compassion, never forsakes, equality, humility, meekness, non-tribalistic, humours etc.
As I was praying these for my family and love ones, the Holy Ghost asked me to pray this prayer point for this nation, God said if only 70-80% Nigerians possess the Heart of God which is possible if desired and pray for, Nigeria would have been a better place for everyone.
Immediately I started praying for these qualities for all Nigerians with eyes full of tears because I love this country of ours and I don’t have another country to call mine except Nigeria.
I use to say things like “I will never leave Nigeria to resident in any other country no matter what except I’m going there for business or educational purposes.
That country was built by people and not spirits; the people are from that land and not strangers, if I leave Nigeria to other country, who will build Her for me.
God never made mistake by creating me a Nigerian and God never uses a strangers to deliver or restore any land but by the people of that Land.

It was not too long as I was praying for the nation, the Holy Ghost instructed me to write this message and spread it to every Nigerians all over the world through the net.

Join me now let us work together and build the nation where ever we are found no matter how insignificant your business of office might be, whatever is not glorifying God, lets do away with it.
From where we are, we can make a change, I believe if the civil servants will do the right thing; the politicians cannot steal so much.
If the company worker will do the right thing, foreigners will not come and steal away our wealth.
We should think of what to do for Nigeria and not what we will get from Her.
I am before the Holy Ghost, my thoughts for Nigeria and the people is how to transform Her if I have opportunity no matter how small my position is and not what I will derive from Nigeria.
I love Nigeria and will always love her.
Again God told me that all the nations that have connived with our politicians to steal the wealth of our great country Nigeria will serve this nation called Nigeria. Those countries will serve us, they will restore unto Nigeria all they’ve stolen in seven-fold and also bring to us all the substance they have in their country. “Proverbs 6:30-31”.
The word of God cannot lie, they’ve stolen from us and must pay back according to God’s word.
God said “the word that had gone out of His mouth will never return unto Him void but accomplish it purpose and where it is sent to and what pleases God.

Confirmation: immediately I concluded the assignment in the morning around 8am I couldn’t write or add anything to what is written. I knelt down to say thank you Holy Spirit, I raised up the papers to thank Him, at that point I could not bring down my hands for about 6-8 minutes and I felt fire sensation coming down from the top of the papers into my hands, my eyes were close and I could not open my eyes even when I was trying to see what was going on, I can’t even shake my body when something was biting me until the fire sensation stopped.
I now understand that it is the Holy Spirit that gave me this assignment and this country is about to change for good in no distance time and Nigeria must be delivered by God and no devil can stop it in Jesus mighty Name Amen.


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